Research Associate
Eleonora Cianflone, PhD
Eleonora Cianflone obtained her Master degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology in 2013 at the University of Roma Tor Vergata discussing the thesis entitled “Involvement of PP1 e PP2 phosphatases in DNA double-strand break”.
In 2014 she joined the MACC LAB at the University Magna Graecia (UMG) of Catanzaro as a M.Phil. Student in “Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine” and she obtained the M.Phil. degree in 2015. In the same year she was enrolled as a Ph.D. student at UMG under Daniele Torella’s supervision in the Ph.D. School of Biomarkers of Degenerative Chronic Diseases.
In April 2018 she joined the Laboratory of Prof. A. Marks at Columbia University, New York, where she worked until the end of August 2018. In September she moved to work in the Laboratory of Cardiac Physiology directed by Dr. Marcello Rota at New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY, where she is perfecting her skills in small animal surgery, while also learning the main assays to study cell physiology in vitro and in vivo. She is also studying mouse cardiac arrhythmias through electrocardiogram acquisition on conscious and unconscious mice using LabChart and WinDaq softwares.
Eleonora has significant skills both in animal surgery as well as in cell and molecular biology. Her main activities in the MACC LAB comprise handling and breeding of experimental transgenic mice. She is currently working in the MacCardio Lab on the characterization of a new genetic fate map mouse strategy to assess the myogenic regenerative potential of endogenous cardiac stem/progenitor cells in the adult life. In March 2019 she obtained the PhD degree in Biomarker of Chronic and Complex Diseases at UMG.
Eleonora is currently a Research Associate in the Medical and Surgical Sciences Department @UMG.